

We Are Constantly Upgrading Our Diagnostic And Optical Dispensing Tools And Equipments To Keep Up With The Latest Technology, So That To Provide The Best Vision Solutions To Our Patients.

Slit Lamp with Camera

The slit lamp exam is usually performed during eye checkups. It helps to detect for any diseases or abnormalities in the anterior portion of the eye, which includes the eyelids, lashes, lens, conjunctiva, cornea, and iris. Using the slitlamp , we are able to pick up many eye disease such as cataract, conjunctivitis , keratitis, corneal abnormalities, keratoconus , uveitis etc.

With the function of the inbuilt camera, we are able to document and save the images in our system for future references.


Computerised Corneal Topographer (Medmont)

Corneal topography, also known as photokeratoscopy or videokeratography, is a non-invasive medical imaging technique for mapping the surface curvature of the cornea, the outer structure of the eye. Medmont topographer is labelled as the gold standard for fitting specialty lenses, offers an exceptional accuracy of error of less than 2 microns. To put that into perspective, the average thickness of a human hair is 75 microns.

The topographer are widely used in our practice for fitting of contact lenses especially specialty contact lenses eg Ortho-K lens & Keratoconus lens.

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Non-Contact Tonometer

Non contact tonometer is also known as the air puff test, which is a painless procedure where the puff of air will reveal the reading of the eye pressure (IOP)

This test is used to check for glaucoma, an eye disease that can cause blindness by damaging the nerve in the back of the eye (optic nerve), where the eye pressure falls above the range.

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Visuscout (Zeiss)

Reliably detecting and monitoring retinal disorders is key to ensuring high-quality care and to maintaining the vision of your patients. As a mobile fundus camera, it is the perfect imaging companion.

Visuscout is a used for checkups and documentation of retinal conditions such as diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma and AMD. We also collaborate with Singapore National Eye Center (SNEC) in the diagnostic and assessment of the fundus examination. Patients can greatly benefit from the ease of travelling and waiting time at the eye clinic for monitoring and screening by coming to our practice.

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ZEISS IOL Master 500

At My Eye Room, we prioritise our customer’s vision and eye health with state-of-the-art technology. We proudly feature the ZEISS IOL Master 500, a cutting-edge device that plays a pivotal role in our commitment to comprehensive eye care, especially in myopia management.

The ZEISS IOL Master 500 is an instrument designed to provide precise measurements of ocular parameters. This includes axial length, corneal curvature, and anterior chamber depth. In the realm of myopia, early detection and effective management are paramount. As our eyeball elongates, the axial length increases which results in an increase in myopia. The IOL Master 500’s accuracy in measuring the axial length enable us to closely monitor myopia progression. This empowers us, Optometrists, to tailor interventions that address the specific needs of each patient, ultimately working to slow down or control myopia progression.

The ZEISS IOL Master 500 is not only instrumental in myopia management, but also a key asset for orthokeratology (ortho-k). This advanced technology precisely maps the corneal surface, ensuring optimal design for ortho-k lenses. Ortho-k, a non-surgical approach to vision correction and myopia management, is made more effective and safe with the detailed measurements provided by the IOL Master 500.


ZEISS I-Profiler Plus

Introducing the ZEISS I-profiler Plus, featuring the innovative i.Scription technology, revolutionizing the way we address your unique visual needs. The Zeiss I-profiler Plus offers comprehensive measurements that go beyond traditional eye exams. With i.Scription technology, this advanced instrument analyzes the imperfections in your eyes, creating a customized map of your visual profile.

This Ultra-high-definition mapping not only ensures the most accurate prescription for your glasses and contact lenses, but also allows us to detect subtle irregularities in your visual system. By leveraging i.Scription technology, our Optometrist can tailor your eye care with unmatched precision, addressing specific
nuances that may impact your vision.

At My Eye Room, we prioritise your visual comfort and clarity. The ZEISS I-Profiler Plus with i.Scription technology enables us to provide you with a uniquely customised prescription, enhancing the overall quality of your vision. Experience eye care at its finest with our commitment to combining cutting-edge technology and personalised attention.

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