

What is Orthokeratology?

Orthokeratology (Ortho-K) is a non-surgical procedure using specially designed Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) contact lenses to gently reshape the corneal to achieve correction after removal of the lens.

Suitable candidates for Ortho-K lenses are fitted with customized contact lenses that are worn at night while sleeping. It is similar as Orthodontics. It is somewhat like wearing braces to the eyes, but very gentle braces in the form of of specially designed lenses. Once the reshaping procedure has reached an optimum vision correction, daily wearing of Ortho-K lenses are required to maintain the proper corneal shape.

It is ideal for active individual who wants freedom from wearing glasses or daytime contact lenses – without undergoing surgery.

Ortho-K procedure is totally reversible, thus it is an excellent LASIK alternative for those who are reluctant or unable to undergo a surgical alteration of their cornea.


Who are the suitable candidates?

People with any age with low to moderate amounts of myopia (up to -6.00D) and astigmatism (up to -2.00D). High amount of myopic may be reduced, but not totally removed.

Young patients as young as seven to nine years old are excellent candidates and we assessed the suitability based on their maturity, hygiene and motivation.

It is extremely beneficial for people who have an active lifestyle and people who are working in dusty and dirty environments that has problem with the regular contact lenses.

Recent studies have also shown it is also beneficial to the school-aged children who often experience large increases in myopia yearly. In addition to eliminating the need of glasses or contact in the day, ortho-k may even arrest the rate of myopia progression.


What does the procedure involves?

Your Optometrist will begin by measuring the curvatures of your cornea using an instrument called Corneal Topographer – a painless procedure that takes about a few minutes and produces a topographical map of your eyes.

Your optometrist might use an in-office inventory of lenses for fitting y our eyes with Ortho-K lenses the same day corneal topographer measurements are taken, or may order custom ortho-k lenses for fitting at a later date. You may need a series of temporary lenses to reached desired prescription.


How Long Does Corneal reshaping takes?

Corneal reshaping for low to moderate myopia will generally takes 2 weeks or less, depending on cornea complexity. Noticeable results are often achieved after the first night of lens wear, and generally there will significant improvement within the first week.


Are there any risks involved with wearing Ortho-K lenses?

There is a small risk involved when any contact lenses are worn, It is not expected that the lenses will provide a greater risk than other contact lenses. There were no serious adverse events reported in the FDA clinical studies.

The most serious problems, including vision loss, usually arises from improper lens care and patient’s failure to strictly follow usage instructions and precautions.


How long will I have to replace my Ortho-K lenses?

Generally speaking, a pair of lenses will have to be replaced once a year. However, depending on factors such as protein build-up, condition of the lenses etc, the lenses may have to be replaced more frequently.


How Much does Ortho-K costs?

Fitting Ortho-K lenses takes more time than fitting a pair regular contact lenses. It requires a series of aftercare and potentially multiple sets of lenses. The cost of the programme starts from $2400 onwards, depending on prescription and complexity.

Discover more about Ortho-K lenses by clicking the link for detailed FAQs and insights!


Jordin’s Ortho-k Lens Experience:


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